DAoC World MapAlbionMidgardHiberniaFrontiersAtlantis
Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot World Map!
All maps are currently rendered for the version 1.96

January, 10th 2009
Guess what :) I updated the maps to 1.96. Not that there were any major changes, just some minor tweaks on the tutorial zones ...

May, 11th 2008
Yes, I am still alive :) And finally also a long expected update. Due to the long break there were quite some patches I had to include. Of course there is 1.90 with the new keeps and towers in the frontiers and battlegrounds. In 1.91 and 1.92 there were only minor updates. But in 1.93 the tutorial zones were strongly extended and so Constantine's Sound, Grenlock's Sound, and Lamfhota's Sound are shining in new splendor.

July, 4th 2007
Hey, finally I found the time to map the new dragon zones of 1.89, sorry for the delay. So here they are: Dartmoor, Malmohus, and Sheeroe Hills.

April, 4th 2007
1.88 didn't brought any big zone changes besides the destroyed, frozen or assilimated towns of Ludlow, Vasudheim, and Ardee.

February 7th, 2007
Even though 1.87 is already live for a while there are changes done to the zones. For example Camelot Hills received a minor terrain texture update, all border keeps have now a paved castle yard and the homing zones of the dragons received additional content for the campaign.

January 12th, 2007
A new patch, a new update :) 1.87 didn't brought big changes for the maps. The only changes are the new border keeps sharing all the same layout (of Midgard) now, just with different textures, and the possibility to enter the Labyrinth from the dragons' homes.

November 25th, 2006
Nearly forgot to update the maps for 1.86 as there were no major changes :) The only big changes I encountered were of course the new entrances for the Labyrinth on Agramon and the frontier regions near the ruins as well as the entrances to the High Consul's Sanctum in the homelands.

September 7th, 2006
1.85 has gone live in the US and therefore the again reworked battleground Leivrik is available as well as the new center keep for the Cathal Valley battleground.

July 11th, 2006
Due to the new underwater areas I noticed a small discrepancy between the rendered and the real shore & height lines in the game. I corrected this error and rendered all maps again to have them up to date. Whoever compares the old maps with the new ones will notice a marginal movement of all water areas and hills/valleys.

June 1st, 2006
1.84c is introducing the new level 45-49 battlefield Cathal Valley. This is an updated copy of the old Emain Macha zone withouth any towers or center keep.

April 19, 2006
1.83 is live in US and the biggest change is the new map of Leivrik. Also the homelands in Midgard were extended with underwater areas.

March 13, 2006
Finally I was able to completly create the maps of the Foothills of Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia from Darkness Rising and get them included here. The new file format for the houses and other structures in Darkness Rising gave me some trouble but thanks to the help of Brandano, Shon, amorilia and m4444x I was now able to map these regions.

February 19, 2006
After 1.82 is live in US I took the time to update the maps to the versions 1.81 and 1.82. The biggest changes are the extended starting towns Cotswold, Mularn, and Mag Mell, as well as the revised battleground "The Lion's Den".

January 15, 2006
I moved the old frontier maps from the realm sections to the frontier section and added the maps of the old battlegrounds Abermenai, Thidranki, Murdaigean, and Caledonia as commemoration even though they only differed by the central keep.

January 8, 2006
After a long time finally a new and quite global update: I am working for a while now on rewriting the necessary tools and overhaul all maps. Especially visible is the usage of the exact ground textures and the correct drawing and positioning of all trees. You will notice the most changes in the maps for the classic zones and Shrouded Isles, but also the Housing zones are more accurate now.

For example the old map of the Vale of Mularn:
     And this is the new version of the map:

November 9, 2004
"Another site with DAoC maps..." most of you will surly think now.
Hopefully you haven't found your way here to get disappointed :) In fact I just wanted maps of the new frontier areas some time ago. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the type of maps I was looking for: quite detailed and realistic maps. No knickknack like highly colored buildings, bright contour lines or text everywhere hiding the map itself.

In the end I came to the conclusion I have to do it myself - and when finally my maps looked exactly as I wanted them I just continued my work. So now I am able to offer maps for all areas in Dark Age of Camelot. Maps for the whole DAoC world in a common style and up to date.

I intentionally didn't labled these maps, this is something everybody can do for himself. These maps should just provide a clean and nice basement.
I hope you'll enjoy them anyway,
